In conscious relationship with all Beings, to awaken your gifts and abilities. We empower you to manifest the highest vision for yourself, community and Mother Earth.


Higher states of consciousness. We hold sacred space so you can experience true embodiment of your full potential. Access guides and teachings for personal transformation and healing. 


The wisdom of ancient teachings and beings of light who guide us on this path. Always in partnership with nature as conscious co-creators.

Welcome Home


In service of Gaia, welcome to Solace&Shine, a whole platform that helps you learn to shine by holding space so that your Soul can truly come home to remember.

I'm Sivani, your host for all things Solace&Shine. I'm a Medium, Intuitive Artist, teacher, and Sannyasin on the Yogic path.  I work with students and seekers all over the world, and am thrilled for my gifts to be of service in this way.



I don’t fit into a box - do you? For 20+ years I have taught Yoga - before instagram was a thing, specialized in Yoga Philosophy and Psychology, supporting people moving through deep change, grief, birth, crisis and illness.

I’ve trained in INDIA for 12 years to deepen my understanding of the human mind, and more importantly the human heart, and this has lead me to teach Soul Anatomy and Spiritual unfoldment internationally, as well as build an Ashram* for advanced studies in the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia.

You can read about my crazy real life tales in my book - The Yoga of Remembrance (on Amazon), and soon my first novel - Land’s Breath - which has gained a letter of Distinction from the Humber School of Writing.

I live off-grid - close to the Earth - with my head in the stars as I support people through Soul Readings, Intuitive Art and Mediumship to learn about WHERE THEY CAME FROM and WHY THEY ARE HERE and WHO’S ON THEIR SOUL TEAM? - yes, we all have one.

I LOVE that people are waking up to the FACT that there is more than a paycheck in this life, MORE than a bigger house, or the next sale. There is a mission you are here for… and I help people figure out what that is… and what they can to do about it.

Have you ever woken up on a morning and known – ‘’that’s enough’’?


It happened to me in 2001 when I woke up with a call to take a new approach to life. I was living, or rather – just “existing” with immense chronic pain and illness. My wake-up call empowered me to discover my true purpose through a life of service led by ancient teachings of Yoga. Through these teachings, I not only brought harmony to my life and body, but learned how to unravel the stresses of illnesses from their source.

I now have no illness and have unraveled and dissipated stresses at their source. Through the guides I have picked up along the way, I now do what I came here to do and I can help you do the same.


I have worked as a Medium and Spiritual Teacher for the last 20+ years. I went to art school in Aotearoa and received a Bachelor's Degree  at the Auckland University of Technology, and more recently received a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing through the Humber College of Creative Writing.

Don’t you think we form ourselves through the path we choose? Or do you think the path chooses us to be formed to? 

As a Teacher of Yoga, I guide the Community through all aspects of living and embodying Spiritual Life through foundations of love, service, and Yoga Ecology concepts.

Increasingly my mediumship skills and intuitive practice have been used elevate, stimulate  and comfort  both individuals and large groups through "big questions."

Finding purpose, or moving through major life transitions are common threads – but more recently, the courses we offer, and my artworks have opened new portals to connect with  those I serve, as well as I’ll be honest – on the other end of the brush…myself.

For those further along on the path, explore staying in residence with us at our off-grid Ashram and Regenerative Farm in Ktunaxa Homelands. You’ll meet a broader community of like-minded Souls including my beloved husband and son, beasts, critters and plant friends. Live simply, close to Earth, and in service to Gaia and all that inhabit her.

*Ashram means place of work - on the INSIDE. To work on the inside - it’s delicious, fulfilling and for the brave of heart.

Interested in booking Sivani for a conference, teaching workshop or event?

Contact us to collaborate!

"The teachings through Sivani open us to beauty, connection, and the ever-mysterious wonders of our souls beyond our little boxes.

What keeps me coming back? The community and a healthy, wholesome, supportive place to belong to and participate with."


"I really enjoy Sivani’s teaching style because it is so down to earth. The examples she is giving to explain very complicated questions are so clear and logical that even I as a beginner don’t feel lost in that wealth of new information. I love her enthusiasm, sincerity and integrity and completely trust her guidance."
